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A generation has grown up playing Mario Kart and wondered, “why can’t real life go-carting be this fun?” A trip to a go-cart track can be a blast but, the flat loops don’t offer the same excitement as the classic video game. Well, for Ontario residents the wait is just months away for some next level go-carting.
Clifton Hill in Niagara Falls has been undergoing a complete revitalisation project in hopes of raising tourism. The plan includes a 4D theatre and a zombie exhibit but, the highlight is the construction of North America’s largest elevated go-cart track.
425,920 lbs of steel have been brought in to construct a multi-level corkscrew, hairpin turns, and high-speed downhill straight away. The coaster style track is the first of its kind in Canada, and the website defines the attraction as “go-carts on steroids.”
HOCO Ltd., who has been overseeing the project assure that everything is a go for a spring grand opening- as soon as the weather permits. More information about official dates should be coming down the pipeline in March.
For more information on the track and other Clifton Hill attractions check the website here:
Here is a video of a test drive at the epic go-cart track: